Kubo – futuristic abstraction.

March 20, 2015 by No Comments

composition --Cosmic fantasy--

composition –Cosmic fantasy–                                         

Abstract art – a unique phenomenon of world culture. Its unique features due to climactic era. XX century – it is a kind of symbol and not by chance he has created a kind of abstract art. Thanks abstractionism had many different directions in contemporary art, while the division of art on the direction in sufficiently relative. Perception of art is highly subjective. Attitude to the works of painters of abstract words can express the Dutch philosopher Spinoza XVII century: “Do not cry, do not resent, but to understand.” Deeply-established habit of taking a purely realistic art form does not mean that direction, “unlike the life”, uninteresting, and even more absurd. Satisfaction art in that it is different.
We have allowed ourselves to give an example of another trend in abstract painting.