August 10, 2015 by No Comments

The  clear  a  hurdle

The clear a hurdle

Stages in the formation of formalist painting Cubism was caused almost simultaneously with Fauvism. He was born in 1907 in Paris and was the first openly over formalistic. The founders of Cubism – expressionist painter Pablo Picasso and Braque Georges. Artists Cubists from the position of Cezanne that lie at the heart of nature, simple geometric volumes – sphere, cylinder, cone. Cezanne himself never bared geometric structures of objects, meaning it is only in the construction volumes. In the paintings of the Cubists things decompose into its component parts, on simple geometric shapes that form objects are not reality, and arbitrary schemes, “a new reality” created “free imagination of the artist.” The real world, with its variety of forms is absorbed by geometric shapes, depressing severe intensity, rhythmic dissonance, sharp shifts planes. Volumes are portrayed from different perspectives and turn into a combination of mechanical parts. Reality appears in the picture of the broken, decaying.
The main criteria for evaluating the work proclaimed constructive, geometrical perfection rather than its ideological aesthetic content. Refusal to transfer qualitative uniqueness of objects of real life artists led to the departure into the world of “pure forms”, where the law of equilibrium chaotic volume, color spots and linear rate. The real world is discolored. Color palette in the early days of Cubism limited contingent, almost monochrome tones – brown hard, steel-gray, yellow-green, ocher and white. In search of the so-called “basic elements” of things Cubists essentially rejected the image of man as an object of art in general, from the study of his image of the visible, the beauty of his body, as well as from the transmission of feelings, ideas, and comprehension of the content of social life. The ideal of “a wonderful person”, as the rest of the world is destroyed because of the deformation and fragmentation of forms. In Cubism reflected anti-humanistic direction of culture of the 20th century. Influence of Cubism on the further development of formalist painting was great.
After analyzing the techniques of creating Cubist pictures, we decided to expand the number of their borders. The basis of our ideas was given the idea of ​​painting a generalizing manner of man or any – or other object. Admission, which we use in our work, we called # KFAR # –kubo -futuristichesky abstracted realism. As the name implies, the basis for the plot of the painting is taken from real life. To enhance the effect, we use the technique, which we called – kristallizmom. Without going into details, we illustrate our ideas concrete example that we send to your court !?